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Facilities for PG students research are available in the form of laboratory, livestock and equipments .

The Department of Animal Nutrition provides following facilities to the students and the commercial livestock farmers,

Feed Analysis Laboratory: -

In this laboratory following Proximate Principles are analyzed from the livestock feed as the quality control measure and for easing the feed formulations.  

  1.  Estimation of Moisture and Dry Matter
  2. Estimation of Protein
  3. Estimation of Fat
  4. Estimation of Fibre
  5. Estimation of Total Ash/Mineral matter
  6. Estimation of Nitrogen free extract
  7. Estimation of Calcium
  8. Estimation of Phosphorus
  9.  Estimation of Acid Insoluble Ash


 Dr. V.K. Mundhe
M.V.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 

Dr. K.Y. Deshpande

M.V.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant professor